The Secrets of the Sacred Shadow

3-Day Online Mini Retreat
October 16th, 17th & 18th

Daily at this time:

10 am - 1 pm PST

6 pm - 9 pm BST

7 pm - 10 pm CET

Price: $147 USD

You are holding onto faith, grasping to keep it alive and scared that you’ll lose it because the future is uncertain. Sometimes you may feel immense guilt for being so hard on yourself, trying desperately to let go of the thought that you should know better by now. The isolation has left part of you feeling alone and you know the gold of liberating these feelings and thought patterns is to be in a safe space with sisters so that you may find the gold behind the shadow. 

I am here for you, sister. I am devoted to being the grounding force that reassures you and motivates you to work with your shadow and stay true to your mission. 

Secrets of the Sacred Shadow 

In this live online program, I will take you on a beautiful journey to meet your Shadow-keepers and uncover a powerful wellspring of shadow wisdom that will transform your life forever.

This is the missing key that keeps most light-workers stuck in dense resistance energy despite trying everything in their spiritual toolkit to break free.

By overcoming this blind spot with this course and moving towards integration, you’ll finally be able to experience a return to whole-ness and confidently step into your full potential starting with the relationship with yourself, and then extending it to your life and business.

What is Shadow Work? 

The Shadow is a term (in psychology) for the subpersonalities that we cant see or the ones we reject within  ourselves. 

These are usually known for their negative traits, such as envy, anger, victim, weakness, or like Carl Yung would say: “The Person we would rather not be.” 

However, we also have Light Shadows, beautiful and powerful aspects of ourselves that we deny or can't see.  

At the end, as human beings we own all these traits, and with this work we learn how to embrace these aspects to become whole again.


3-Day Online Mini Retreat
Begins October 16th

Price: $147 USD or $73.50 USD (2 installments)

The Journey


I’ll take you into a deep journey into your sacred garden where you’ll discover:

  • How you can best attend to your wounded inner child and create a safe space to engage with its shadow keepers

  • Why creating this safe container is essential to moving into the next level of evolution in your relationships, work and life

  • A process you can use daily to form an extra-ordinary relationship with your divine and human self


I’ll take you back in time where one of the biggest decisions of your life was made so you can recreate a new reality. You will:

  • Have clarity of what Shadow work is and is NOT

  • Learn what Shadow Keepers are and what this has to do with your child self

  • Uncover the origins of the decisions your child self is currently driving in your life

  • Meet and release your Shadow Keeper from the burden they have been carrying


In this journey we’ll uncover the gold behind the shadow. You will:

  • Have Clarity on your true fear and learn how to shine a light on it, by listening to its wisdom

  • Use the power of the written word to integrate an aspect of yourself causing resistance in your life

  • Find the light behind the darkness you are currently experiencing

  • Learn a powerful tool you can use to do this process whenever you experience discomfort, resistance and emotions that lower your vibration


As I guide you on the path of forgiveness in a way you have never experienced before, you will:

  • Cut the cord of resentment that has been keeping you from experiencing true freedom

  • Have the opportunity to allow the gift of forgiveness to emerge from a powerful place in your heart

  • Come face to face with the person who has been holding wisdom that you haven’t yet been able to receive



The Sacred Space

  • Meeting the Shadow Keeper

  • Revelations Process Guide

  • The Blessed Gift



By the end of our time together you will:

  • Enter that Sacred Garden that lives within you.

  • Re-create a new reality that will be more aligned with your truth.

  • Learn techniques and tools that will support your full communication with your Shadows.

  • Give yourself the Gift of Forgiveness and Cut the cord that has kept you tied for so long.


The Experience

This will be 3 live zoom calls of 3.5hours, daily.

From 10am PST to 1pm PST

Facebook Group community support, Processes, Meditations and Journaling. 

Also, you will keep 1 Meditation and a PDF you can fill, to connect with your Shadows. 

 Monica Pelayo


Monica Pelayo is a certified life coach, experienced shadow work expert, and mother of two boys. At the age of 4, she became aware that she was unconsciously connected to an intelligent source, and constantly receiving messages and images through this power greater than herself. She has been able to see and communicate energies from this young age.

Monica has been a student of A Course In Miracles (ACIM) for over two decades and was personally trained in the work of the Shadow by Debbie Ford. Monica has found that our biggest gifts have been darkened by our rejection of our own shadows, and believes that our purpose in this life is to become whole again.

Her mission is to guide individuals to embrace their whole self by finding the gold behind the Shadow – the part of us we’ve been disowning, hating or hiding – so we can bring this into the light and shine brighter. She is the founder of The Jewels of the Golden Shadow International retreats, host of Un ratito Con Monica (A moment with Monica) , and is well known in the personal and business development industry for her signature VIP 1 on 1, Program, Finding the Gold Behind the Shadow, for coaches and thought leaders.

Love Notes


Monica truly has a powerful gift of intuition and helping you drop into the unseen or hidden emotions we keep buried, locked up, and hidden from our conscious selves. She was also able to lovingly guide me to experience profound forgiveness for those in my life I didn’t even realise were causing me pain, and in forgiving them, it helped to energetically release stagnant energy blocking me from the love that was trying to enter my life.  Her capacity to hold profound space for healing and transformation is a real and rare gift in this world.

— Phoenix Muranetz, Sensuality & Empowerment Speaker & Author

Monica masterfully guided me through powerful healing and release processes, transforming shadow material and setting me free. She has what it takes to hold space for deep work and healing transformation.”

— Dawn DelVecchio, Author, Healer, Priestess

It’s had a transformational ripple effect on all areas of my life, from my business (rebranding!) to my mothering (calmer!) to how I relate to time (drama-free!)”

Monica is like a beautiful tonic for the soul. Our work together gave me permission to own my gift and share it with the world in a way I would’ve never had the courage or foresight to do on my own.  So much shifted, including my perspective on who I am and what my mission is. Talk about a game-changer. 

 I wish I’d found her sooner – she’s truly one of a kind. 

— Catarina Andrade Calm Catalyst, Love Activist + Intuitive Business Strategist for Women on a Mission

Your Participation and Commitment

I am committed that you get the fullest experience of the retreat, as I have designed it for you. 

 We would love and ask that you:

  • Participate over live Zoom calls every day of the retreat /for the full 3 days (September 25th-27th 2020)

  • Participate for the entire time of 3 – 3.5 hours per day

  • Be on time for every call

  • Be fully present to the space you are in and guidance that you will receive

  • Be mindful of the sisterhood/your community of sisters

  • Be respectful be interested

  • Be in a room that is private, quiet and is free from distractions

  • Be open to share in this nourishing space

  • Be prepared to bring your listening and hold the space for each other

  • Take care of your health and well-being prior to and during your participation: have enough rest, eat well, drink water before and during the retreat wear comfortable clothing, sit comfortably in a comfortable chair, on a cushion or bed

  • Bring a notebook with you each day for journaling, bring tissues (Kleenex) as this can be a deep and moving time.

  • Join the Secret of the Sacred Shadow Private Facebook Group

  • Be open to connect with your community of sisters support each other in your processes, meditations and journaling be willing for the Zoom calls to be recorded and shared in the private Facebook group


Do I need to be clear on what’s blocking me? 

No, you don’t need to be clear.  That is what we are working on; to find clarity, looking at the block and finding the answers.

What are you going to teach me that I don’t know already? 

Nothing.  I guide you to your own wisdom to your true teachings, allowing you to integrate some aspects of yourself and feel whole, while you teach others.  When you bring out your own teachings and your own wisdom, you come out more powerful with the message you give to people around you.

I inspire other people, but will I feel inspired by ME? 

If this is your goal, YES.  You will feel inspired by you.  You will be surprised by how inspired you can be in this process.  You will rekindle the original inspiration upon which you came here.